Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Capitalism in India: 5,000,000 Infant Deaths Per Year

"Newborn Deaths Expose India’s Low Health Budget," screams the headline at IPS, but behind those godawful statistics, an even more miserable reality is thinly concealed.

"A report released Jun. 13 by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) as part of the ‘Countdown to 2015’ initiative placed India’s IMR rate slightly higher at 48 per 1,000 live births. The initiative tracks country-level progress in reducing maternal, newborn and child mortality and involves various partners."

"According to the UNICEF report, Pakistan has an IMR of 70 per 1,000 live births, followed by India with 47, Nepal with 41, Bangladesh with 38 and Sri Lanka with 26."

“In India, the IMR is 47 per 1,000 live births, which translates into 1.25 million infant deaths per year,” Azad said.

So the figure of 1,250,000 Infant deaths per year was based on infant mortality estimated at 47 or 48 per 1000 live births, but in one of the very few hospitals where records were actually examined, G.B. Pant Hospital in Srinagar, summer capital of the state of Kashmir and Jammu...

"Citing the hospital’s records, the report said the facility had witnessed 981 infant deaths in 2010 and 985 in 2011, averaging a high 20 percent mortality – twice the accepted rate for state-run hospitals in India."

20 percent mortality! That's 200 dead infants per 1000 live births!

So when the ridiculously understaffed Indian health service concentrates its meager resources on actually counting dead infants, the real figures for infant mortality in India rise to four times the "official" figures, and instead of 1,250,000, the real total is probably in the neighborhood of...

5,000,000 infant deaths per year in India, that miserable shit-hole of globalized capital.


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