All your sins are forgiven!
Did you flirt with wrens?
Fart and hurl at your mommy’s fatwa?
Eat a narwhal?
All your sins are forgiven!
So what if it cost your life-savings?
How much can you spend in a nuclear inferno?
How much can you spend on an ecru decal?
Can you really afford to dance merrily into the Nothing?
Did you miss the count-down?
Nerd! Now nobody can even remember your zits!
All your sins are forgiven!
Blog Archive
- Pray for Peace, But Prepare for a Holocaust
- Coda
- Listening to Obama
- So Many Goodbyes
- Too Much Info
- Wittgenstein and Vermeer
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Occupy 1968: Dagmar Hochova
- Hippo
- "Discouraged Workers" and Discouraging News
- Zit Sacrament
- The Future Is Cold and Dark and Slow
- 2012
- Moody Generations
- Hollywood
- Mila Kunis
- Worm