"A sacred pause?" Are these cogs in the great machine of Time Inc. self-important or what?
"The pitch meeting is a moment for the department to come together to look at images and discuss
ideas as a group. It is a sacred pause in our very hectic week."
The sacred pitch meeting! Gag me with my Nikon!
But apart from the grotesque personality disorders of the staff, what I hate hate hate about
"Lightbox" is that you can look at 50 of their photos in which people appear, and there aren't
any recognizable people in them! Nothing but "examples!"
I'm looking through their Best Pictures of the Week for January 11-18 and after 22 just about
the most individualized is "A Hindu Holy Man."
Would you recognize this guy, or anybody else in the frame, if they all jumped out at you right
now, while you're looking at the picture? Of course not!
This is anti-human garbage, and it deserves to be "appreciated" with a hammer.